Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Year End Update

Well I started with couch to 5K back in Jan 2010. I completed in march of 2010 and entered my first 5K, finishing in 37 and change. Since I have done 11 more races,9 being of the 5K distance. The other two were a 10 miler (2hrs) and a 1 miler (8 min 30 sec). By years end my fastest 5K was 30:24 and my fastest mile was 7:40.

Off to 2011. Races scheduled so far: NHL All-star weekend 5K, Krispy Kreme Challenge (a dozen doughnuts and 4 miles of running, warrior dash and the Myrtle Beach 1/2 marathon. I may do more but that's all on the schedule this week.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Summer Heat?

Getting my run on in this summer heat has been rough. I would like to train for a fall 1/2 marathon, either Myrtle Beach or the OBX. Well, the heat puts a wrench in it. I have resorted to running in the woods on trails and late at night, along with just short runs of just a few miles. Hopefully, I will get a few cool days where I can push through 10 miles a few times. I have done so once a month ago when I was testing myself to see if a 1/2 is doable for me.

What do you all do to maintain your running when heat is on?

Monday, June 14, 2010

First 5K with Vibram Five Fingers

A few weeks ago I decided I was going to run the Komen Race for the Cure in Raleigh, NC on 6-12-10 in my Vibram Five Fingers. To get ready, the week before I ran 5 days in a row, gradually increasing my distance to 3.5K. All went well and a few days before race day I ran over at Umstead (lots of big hills) in shoes just to have a 5K run the week of the race.

Saturday morning I got up at 4:45, it's race day. I had to go catch a bus over to the event, they started ferrying people to the event at 5:30 from the RBC parking lot. I got to the event a little after 6.

On to the actual race. The timed race started at 7:00am and I was lined up pretty close to the start. I was quite excited about doing my first race in Vibram Five Fingers. The race was good for me, my best time so far, 32.14. With almost 2800 people in the timed event, it was fun, but even I had to run around people. Can't wait till my next race!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Quick Update

Well the last few weeks have been tough to run but I still did.

My Mommy passed away on the 11th, boy am I gonna miss her a ton. I love her and know she is in a good place now.

Running, well I'm plugging away. Yesterday I did have a bit of a breakthrough. I run at Umstead State Park often and the hills in the section I run often do me in and I take a few short walking breaks. Not yesterday, I kicked the hills in the butt!!!

Also, My fastest 5K is down to 34.01, done at Tobacco Trail.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Run for Hero's 5K Results

Well, my goal was to finish in under 35 minutes. I know, slow, but I'm still very new to this running thing. My actual time was 34.24!!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Atlanta Vacation and Running!

It all started Friday morning. I took my doggie over to Best Friends Kennel. Soon after I got home, the girls arrived and we headed to Atlanta. The girls are Stephanie (me lady), her daughter Lacey and the daughters friend Kayla.

Lacey was in the big international cheerleading competition. Their team did well, 5th out of 11. I have no idea how they judge those comps as every team does almost the same. Anyway, congrats to Lacey's cheer team for a great season.

Also, we did some of the normal tourist things. We went to The Varsity and Stone Mountain.

Well on to my week of running. After last week where I ran some every day, this past week wasn't so. I ran a short 2.5K on Thursday, then due to travel I didn't run again till Sunday. I ran another 2.5K that day. In the afternoon though I followed it up with a hike, and a run up the rail section of Stone Mountain. It is a mile up and a mile down.

Today, Tuesday the 20th I headed over to the tobacco trail. I ran a full 5K in 36.21. This is my fastest 5K and I hope to be under 35 minutes on Saturday. On Saturday I race in the "Run for Hero's 5K."

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tough week

Last week I put in 20+K but this week looks like I may not hit 10K. Guess that is how it goes sometimes. Always next week!!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Still going strong!

How is my new running plan going? So far so good.

Yesterday, I went on a trail run over at Umstead, Sal's Branch. Many roots, rocks, and small but fairly tough hills. I'm new to running and not built like a runner, so jumping over, and stepping around roots and rocks makes me feel like I'm on Dancing with the Stars, and it takes toll on me. I still completed but did walk the hill leaving the lake. Total distance was 3.91K.

Today, I ventured over to the Tobacco Trail. It was my first time over there and I liked it. Being new to running, flat equals very good! I ran from the White Oak Church Rd. entrance to the bridge just past the Wimberly Rd. entrance and back to the White Oak Church Rd. entrance. Total distance was 6.33K.

So going into my last day of the week my total distance is around 21K.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My week so far and my new plan

Sunday I ran 5K over at Umstead State Park. The hills kill me, but I powered through with only a few rest breaks. The rest of the week up till Wednesday I have run around 2K each day. Why 2K, well I'm trying something new. My new plan is run short distances for 5 days, have a long run of 5K to 8K (that is long for me since I started running back in January) and rest on the seventh day.

Friday, April 2, 2010


Well, not to much going on. My friend from Syracuse, NY came down. Left her doggie Cuda with me for the weekend. Having 2 white German Shepherds is a blast.

Also, I ran yesterday, did my normal 5K loop. I sucked serious wind but made it to the end.

Have been reading and watching YouTube videos to improve technique, hopefully some of the ideas will sink in soon. I really want to be a good runner within the next year.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

What I have done so far and why a blog?

What is the purpose? Well back in January I started "Couch to 5K." I completed the program a few weeks ago and even finished one 5K race. Finished in 37.49 which is slow, but hopefully, soon, I will get that 5K time under 30 minutes. On a positive, this week I logged 22.5K.

By the way, I'm 40, 250LB and a million times better at racing motocross bikes than running by foot.

So basically, the purpose is to log my running progress.