Sunday, May 15, 2011

My Last Three 5K's

Since my last post on the CRBR I have run three 5K's, two of those with Stephanie's kids Lacey and Nathan.

The first of these 5K's was the Second Empire Classic 5K on April 17th 2011. This race was great as it included Stephanie's kids doing their first 5K. I'm not sure either had ever run more than a mile but they were game.

Here we all are pre race, who knows what we looking at:

On to the race. Nathan lined up at the front and took off. Lacey and I were a few rows back and ran together for the first 1/2 mile. Then I took off, well not really but it's cool to say. After about 1.5 miles I caught up with Nathan, the rabbit start and the VANS shoes were paying a price. We walked and ran together till about 2.5 mile marker and then I took off!. Before that we had passed Lacey, we were on opposite sides of Hillsborough St and we cheered her on, she wasn't happy but had the drive to push through to the end.

Me at the 1 mile point:

The finish, we all finished. I came in around 31 minutes, Nathan about 30 seconds later and Lacey came home just a tad over 40. I was happy and Stephanie was flat out beaming with her kids achievement. Nathan even got an award for his first race.

Lacey finishing her first 5K:

That award took a protest to get. See Nathan's shoes were bothering him and he took them off. Who knew the timing chip would not be seen if not within a two feet of the timing mat. Nathan had his shoes (and timer chip) on his hands, see pic.

When we were looking at the race results we realized that Nathan was not scored, and new if he was scored, he would have a third place finish in his age group. Well, we went to the scoring table and we pointed out the issue. They found his number on the manual timing sheet and Nathan had his third place finish in hand. Here he is with award:

Race number 2 was the Run for Hero's 5K on April 30th 2011. This was the second time I have run this race and this time I had my first sub 30 minute 5K as a goal.

When the race started I moved to the side and let the speed demons go by. Yes, I started near the front because there is no timer line at the start, just at the finish. We ran down the start hill, then up the start hill then rounded the corner for another down and up. At this point I wasn't so sure how this race would go as I was a little more gassed than I though I should be.

Even though I was gassed, I was now on the easy part of the course down Fayetteville St and Wilmington St. This is all flat to downhill for the next mile and a quarter. We then rounded a corner on the back side of Peace College and made our way onto Blount St. At this point it was all hill and I started to realize sub 30 probably was not going to happen even though I had a pace that was well within my goals. I passed the 2 mile marker at 18 minutes. All I needed was a 10 minute mile after doing two 9 minute miles. How hard could that be? Well to hard for me, I had nothing and even though I made it to the home stretch sorta running I walked the first part of the home stretch. I did run the last hundred meters and finished in a little over 31 minutes. I really blew the last mile but there is always another race were I will have a shot at sub 30 minutes.

Here is a pic of me when I was still flying lol:

After this race I was frustrated and decided to change a few things. First, I will run a fast mile every week, I started this before this race. So far I have done an 8:02 mile and several just a few seconds slower. Second, I will do a long run once a week or a race. Where will I do my long run? Well there is this 8 mile loop over at Umstead Park I did once back in August of 2010 but that is one hilly loop. Oh well, I need to push myself, that is the loop I will do. Well so far I have done that loop 2 times, the second time I shaved 7 minutes off my time from from my previous run of this loop.

Well back to my 5Ks. This time it was the Clayton 5K Road Race on May 14th 2011. Lacey and Nathan were having their shot at another 5K. As we soon found out this was a lot different than our last 5K together, there were hills and more hills, did I mention this race had hills? Also, I had my vibrams on, I had not run a 5K in them for 10 months.

The race started much like the last race with Lacey and Nathan. Nathan took off and Lacey and I ran together for a bit. After about a half mile the hills started and the first one was big but I chugged up it without much problem. Well then after a short reprieve another hill, a reprieve and another hill, and so on. The the water table, I still can't run and drink so I swished and spit. Just pass the water stand I passed Nathan asked him how things were going as I went by. The hills were having an effect on him but he was doing great. We rounded a corner and a long down hill, yes, finally some rest but a short lived one, I had to run back up it. On the way back up the hill I passed Lacey coming down the hill, she wasn't happy but she was doing great too. Well, I was still chugging along and feeling okay on this hilly course. The last mile was more up and down hills. I walked for 10 seconds 2 times and finished in 32 minutes. Slow but with the hills I was quite happy with myself. Nathan finished in 37 and Lacey in 40. The hills beat all 3 of us pretty good and Lacey did the hill course faster than the flat course, woohoo! Once again their mommy was super proud of them.

Well this day was not over. We had to go to Scotty McCreery's (American Idol) hometown parade and concert. I was tired and going to this didn't help. I was a trooper till after the show, I will get back to this. The show itself was very good, the parade was goofy but people got to see Scotty and friends up close so it served it's purpose. Scotty seemed to be moved by the event and over joyed by his idol Josh Turner showing up to do a few songs with Scotty. Stephanie about went crazy when Josh appeared onstage, too funny.

Here is a pic of Scotty McCreery in the parade:

Here is a link to the show:

Almost forgot, the post concert line, well we stayed to the end because of Josh Turner and suffered with being a 1/4 mile back in line for the return bus ride to the satellite parking. I was not happy and pitched a fit. We discussed a few options that required a hefty walk and more waiting. In the end we just waited in line for over an our. Not the fun part but not the worst either.

Well that is it, see you at the next 5K in the Raleigh area.